Friday, April 20, 2007

The "P" Word

The discussion last Wednesday had barely begun, when we heard the "P" word – performance. It was used several more times as the conversation continued – even after its use was questioned.

Why do so many perceive music in worship as performance? Why do even those who acknowledge that music in worship is more than performance continue to use this word as their primary descriptor of musical activity in worship?

The purpose of performance is to entertain, to stimulate, to influence, to inspire, to disturb even.

Music in worship is, at various times, intended to do all of these things. It is thus perhaps not surprising that music in worship is often perceived of and described as "performance." However, music in worship is an offering to God. And no offering to God should be confused with a performance. A performance ends. An offering to God is an on-living symbol of faith. There simply is no comparison.

If music in worship is an offering to God, what does it mean to search for a church musician? It means that one is searching for a music minister. It means that one is searching for someone who will facilitate your ministry as musicians; someone who will foster and feed your ability to make offerings to God through music; someone who will help the 2PC congregation and community to experience offerings to God through music.

In this context, you may find it helpful NOT to approach the final stages of the search process as an "audition." (What would it mean to "audition" someone as they participated in worship with you, making offerings to God?) The resumes and recommendation letters of the candidates will provide reliable signals as to musical competency. Rather, approach the final stages of the search as a process of discernment. Use your worship and rehearsal time with the candidates as an opportunity to discern whether their ministry will feed and foster yours, given your particular interests, theological perspectives, and worship tastes.


Which candidate will facilitate your offerings to God? Which candidate will help the 2PC congregation and community experience offerings to God through music?


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